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Who we are

His Holy Hands, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which is devoted to making a difference in the community, was formed July 31, 2018.  We strive to provide the highest quality programs that benefit our residents in our county and surrounding areas.


At this time, we are working on assisting the homeless in our community with daily essential needs, supporting the youth with the supplies they need to ensure educational success, tackling the growing hunger need in our community, and working to enrich the lives of the at-risk community in any way we can.


We are working on putting together a clothes closet, a food pantry and stocking hygiene bags for the homeless.  No one ever asks or expects to experience hard times, but life has a way of throwing a curve ball and sometimes pretty hard.  They are no different than us...they just need a "hand up" to regain a chance at life.  This is where His Holy Hands steps in.

The people behind the scenes:

Minister Judy Gordon

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James Gordon, IV

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       What We Do


James Gordon, IV of His Holy Hands and Anthony McCauley of Males of Distinction

There are always urgent needs and this one need was no different. God is always working and the work is never done. We were recently in need of an adult bike for an older gentleman that is homeless and also needs to travel back and forth for dialysis 3 times a week. The bike he has is wearing down and it is his only transportation. This man has the most beautiful spirit and smile you could ever imagine and spreads more joy that most that have anything they could need. We are trying to help with some essential clothing needs, etc. but one of the greatest needs is a bike. He even said to us he doesn't care if it's a woman's bike if it gets him where he needs to go. If you have an adult size bike or are able to help with getting one PLEASE contact us we would be more than willing to come and get it to get to him. Thank you all so very much!

An update on our post about needing a bike for a dear man.  We got a call within days of posting saying he was working on it and we would have a bike. Well, at the beginning of last week we got the call to come and get the bike. His Holy Hands would like to thank this amazing man of God that is doing enormous things in the community and helping form the lives of many young men. Thank you Anthony McCauley and Males of Distinction for your faithfulness and willingness to always make life better for those around you. While we won't post pics of those we serve, we want you to know that he was so very grateful and touched to the bottom of his heart.  Seeing him again last week, all he talked about is how wonderful his new bike is going back and forth to dialysis and how the seat is wonderful. Y'all this is what it's about, 'Meeting the natural needs of all of Gods children with a spiritual emphasis'

A HUGE thank you to these entities for helping us grow:






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We have also partnered with:


@2018 His Holy Hands, Sanford, NC

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